27 feb 2012

Floor Border FIX - Part 1 (BG Fences) / Corrección para el borde del piso - Parte 1 (Vallas del Juego Base)

TS2 Fences Remade / Las vallas de LS2 rehechas

UPDATED 2012/12/21: Uploaded a new version that is GREATLY improved!! Find it at the end of this post. More details in Part 2 (UNI fences).

I want to post this at MTS and other sites... but for me that would be the first time ever! So I'm still kinda scared to do it. I've spent the last year trying to learn as much as I could, but I know that there are still a lot of things that I must improve (my mapping particularly sucks). I'm not quite happy with the result right now because I know it should be better. The meshes, the textures, the shadows problem...

The package contains fixes for all of the BG fences, they should work on any game configuration with at least one EP (see "Known Issues" for BG-only problems). I have done fixes for ALL of TS2 fences, it's just that the ones from the EPs aren't yet ready (of course they will require the proper EPs installed). These fences will replace any existing fences in your lots. Therefore you don't need to remove the old fences and build new ones. I've already done a bit of testing and at least, all of them seem to work perfectly fine. (If they look better or if they are even more fugly than Maxis floor borders, I'd rather let others decide).

They can be deformed with CFE (or using Numenor's unleveled walls) with no problems
(in fact I think the originals never looked this good when deformed).
Se pueden deformar con CFE (o con las paredes desniveladas de Numenor) sin problemas
(de hecho yo creo que las originales nunca se vieron tan bien al ser deformadas).

Known issues / Problemas conocidos
- If you experience any lighting related problems (unwanted shadows when placing fences on the same tile) try deleting the walls beneath and then undo the changes. After restoring the walls, you shouldn't see any more ugly shadows, or at least they should be less noticeable. I don't know what else to do to get this fixed, sorry. (By the way, I'm using Gunmod's Radiance, I have yet to test and see if this problem ocurrs at all with Maxis default lighting).
- Some of my fixed fences might appear as duplicates in a BG-only configuration (but will still work just fine). I really don't know why this happens or if it can be fixed at all. Probably not without making it all over again in a different way. :(
- Finally, I know the new meshes aren't properly mapped... I have added a new mesh to each GMDC file and the meshes added by me use the same texture as the originals. Mapping meshes which are meant to use already existing materials can't be done without a more advanced knowledge. But I've done it this way because for some reason, adding a subset which uses its own materials won't work for default fences unless they're custom clones (by custom I mean those which have a model name beginning with ##01c050000!). I'll probably do a customized version of these fences, but that will take more time and the files are going to be larger. Anyway, I'll be updating them as soon as I learn some more.

NOTE: I'll be updating these fences over and over again until I'm happy enough with the result, lol. If you wish to restore the original BG fences, just remove the package from your Downloads folder.

Floor Border FIX - BG Fences (v2)

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