21 dic 2012

Floor Border FIX - Part 2 (UNI Fences) / Corrección para el borde del piso - Parte 2 (Vallas de Universitarios)

TS2 Fences Remade / Las vallas de LS2 rehechas

FloorBorderFIX for BG fences is here
La Corrección para el borde del piso para las vallas del juego base está acá

These fences will replace any existing fences in your lots. Therefore you don't need to remove the old fences and build new ones. If you wish to restore the fences to their original state, just remove the package from your Downloads folder. They should be compatible with any game configuration. Of course UNI is required.
These fences will always hide Maxis ugly floor border: they work the same way in both directions (from left to right or from right to left).
When the fence is placed on the ground, you won't be able to tell the difference. I haven't changed the original meshes, just added new ones... the new meshes are well hidden beneath the ground :)
When the fence is placed on top of a room, you will notice that:
  • Maxis ugly walltop border will be hidden as well, but still the new meshes won't bleed through the floor :)
  • The new meshes won't bleed through the wall, so they won't cover crowns or borders of your exterior walls... it's not easy to make outside corners look good this way, but I've done my best to achieve this :)
  • For AL users, the new meshes won't bleed through the ceiling either :)

The fences still work quite well with CFE and (unless the deformation is too pronounced) they probably look better also in this case.

If you have recolors of UNI fences that are slaved to the original meshes, they will be fixed as well. I can't guarantee that the slaves will look good, though. Depends on the texture of the recolor.
If you zoom too close in camera mode, you will be able to see that the borders of the floor/walltop are not completely hidden. It had to be that way because otherwise I will see clipping when zooming out in my game... Now I have to zoom very far (and only in camera mode) before I can see that happen.

I just added a new mesh to each GMDC, the original meshes are almost the same... I wanted to improve the fences that looked bad in 45 degrees, so I have remapped the problematic faces or added some faces to fill the holes, all of them were (and still are) low-poly meshes:
  • I filled the hole in the bottom of "Running the Rapids" Rock Fence.
  • I remapped the bottom of: Patrician Stone Wall, Patrician Balustrades and three Mini-Pediments. Also the posts of these fences are a bit lower now.

  • I've seen some lighting related problems in my game (ugly shadows) particularly with my diagonal mesh for postful fences. I have remade the meshes over and over again and I've seem to have erradicated most of the problems... for a new creator like me that's a very hard thing to solve without joining my mesh and the original (this way the light will affect them in they same way regardless of their differences) ... which seems like an awful idea to me.

  • Whenever the fences are placed in funny intersections the lighting will still go crazy (that happens with many other objects too, not just my meshes). It can be fixed using this small trick anyway: ugly shadows should be gone after placing a wall or another fence right beneath the problematic fence. If I don't want to block the path, I just use a fence that allows sims to walk through: i.e. any low fence -if invisible, the better ;) ... If there is a wall or another fence already, I delete it and then immediately undo the change to restore it.

FloorBorderFIX EP1(UNI) Fences

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